Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I guess its over...

...and the democrats have taken control of the congress. I suppose congrats are in order but to be honest i just can't bring myself to congratulate the Democrats. I have mixed feelings about this win..

On the one hand a democratically controlled congress and a Republican white house almost assuredly means gridlock in the legislature. No new regulations and rules is predictable and markets like that...i like that. But this also means that bush must start using his veto pen more. I think its somewhere underneath the coloring books.

On the other hand is there really any difference between democrats and republicans today? They both like to talk differently but at the end of the day their both their to keep their jobs. I remember when the republicans swept congress in the 90's with allot of big of term limits, budget restraint and a whole slew of other reforms amicably entitled the contract with america. It didnt take more than a few years for republicans to get comfortable and complaicent in their power and forget all about the contract. At the end of the day republicans and democrats are one thing: Politicians.

Supposedly this election was an election about Iraq. An election showing America's desire for a change in course. Stay the course, cut and run..whatever that means i really hope that America doesn't abandon the iraqi's. That is the worst thing we could do now, regardless of how right or wrong we were 4 years ago. Two wrongs don't make a right. America really needs to learn from this though, we need to learn that we can't start a revolution from outside a coutnry, no matter how righteous the cause or how evil the dictator. Has this ever there one example in the worlds history where this worked? The bottom line is if the people living within a country aren't ready for a change and ready to make it's doomed to fail. The U.S.'s own history ought to be an example of this basic principle.

So the election is done and those wacky dem's are sitting happy on the hill...good luck Nancy and pals. But if history is any indicator....nothing of substance will change.