HillObama 2008!
The democratic primary for the upcoming 08 elections is shaping up to be a very interesting race. In their quest to convince the American people that they are truly the party of the people Democrats have managed to come up with 2 minorities to run for the presidential spot on the ticket. Barack Obama, a black man and Hillary Clinton, a woman have both announced their entry into the race. This ought to be an interesting primary..any dirt on Obama that Hillary digs up and she’ll be dubbed a racist while any dirt on Hillary that Obama digs up will make him against women. The 24 hr news stations are gonna have an orgy on this one.
Now I wouldn’t vote for or against either of them for the simple fact that they are “minorities”, and I actually view the fact that both are relatively inexperienced. This government needs some more fresh faces (and term limits while we're at it). Get in, get out. If you don’t get something done, too bad, you lost your chance. These lifetime politicians are no better than welfare mommas; forever mooching off the government teet.
As for Barack, well I truly don’t know much about him but theirs ample time for CNN and PMNBC to dissect the guy a million different ways before the election. But Hillary on the other hand, she scares the sh*t out of me. I did a quick Google search and as expected found numerous websites detailing Hillary's involvement in a number of scandals while she was first lady. Remember the FBI files they “found” in the white house? Remember the shady land deals? The sale of nuclear secrets to the Chinese? Or how about Hilary care..she wasn’t even an elected official and yet somehow she was put in charge of the biggest overhaul of the medical system in US history. Thank god it didn’t go anywhere. Say what you want about George W bush, but at least his wife knows her role. She didn’t get elected, He did. She’s just baggage…yeah it might sound cruel but so what, that's the way it is.
Do you ever get the feeling that the US is like a big ship that is slowly sinking. While most of the passengers are running around trying to save themselves, families or fix the leak, theirs two big, old, rich, fat men in the corner arguing about how fast the water is coming in, how big the whole is, when the ship will sink and what color the water is. The democrats and republicans remind me of these two old men. All the rest of us want is for the them to SHUTUP and FIX THE PROBLEM then get out of our lives!!!!
Considering Obamas age and inexperience i dont think he'll get the nomination outright. However, ponder this...a Clinton/Obama ticket in '08. Could you imagine the liberal frenzy on the left if this happened. How could they lose, a black man and a woman, they are truly the party for the everyman..as long as you’re black and or a woman. The would need extra janitors to clean up the voting booths after each democrat voted.
Before I make this comment I warn you it is not politically correct, but with all the people coming out of the woodworks to run for president I wouldn't be surprise if Oprah ran for President. Wouldn't that just put a cherry on top! It would kill three birds with one stone...
1) She would be the first female president
2) She would be the first African American President
3) She would be the first female, African American Predident...yes this is redundant but makes my point.
stewart/colbert '08
just what the world needs, more oprah!
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