Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Not enough sex

So apparently Europeans don't have enough sex. Or maybe it's that they have too much safe sex...this isn't clear. What is clear is that European countries, Germany, France, Italy and Austria in particular are in all out freek out mode due to the shrinking size of their population.

I've seen a number of studies published lately about how the shrinking population and shifting demographics are dooming european nations to a future similar to today's third world countries. A number of countries have gone so far as to offer free child care, tax breaks or flat out cash handouts to couples that have children...particularly more than 1 child. A few years ago i remember reading about how the population was growing at unsustainable rates, the world was over crowded!, WE'RE ALL GONNA STARVE! What happened?

We could talk about the factors till our faces are blue..but my question is, why is a shrinking population bad? What makes a government or anyone else think that they can accurately determine how big a population should be? How would you even attempt to determine this number? Is this not really the ultimate form of social planning? Stalin dreamed of central planning for the economy, but central planning for the entire population...wow. I can hear the roar of running to their offices and madly typine away now. The chinese continue to try to control their population size but i don't see the chinese population shrinking any time soon. If you are "one in a million" in China, rest assured that there are 1000 people just like you throughout the country.

I've got a few good ideas on how the US can solve our problems and Europes at the same time. If Europe really wants more people maybe we can ship them some of our seniors. Social Security is apparently doomed to fail leaving the younger genearation supporting an unsustainable bill. So i say ship 'em to Europe! Two birds, one stone. Want another idea? Feed the homeless to the hungry.


And now for something completely different....

The US has an image problem. All over the world, we are viewed as evil imperialists, evil capitalists, evil Americans..the list goes on. When a corporation has this problem, there are a number of solutions. It's possible to ditch the old brand, and come up with a new one. Think KFC. The public is turning away from fried food? Ok, we're no longer Kentucky Fried chicken, we're KFC. Same product, different name. Problem solved.

Alternatively, you could align your tarnished brand with one that enjoys a better image. This is the route i suggest for the US. That's right, the United states of America should look towards our neighbors and identify other countries that we could align ourselves with.

So where to look....where to look.

I know, how about our friendly pacifist neighbours to the north, eh? That's right, Canada! Lovely Canada, what with their public healthcare, mounties, hockey and labatts Canada enjoys a very positive image throughout the world. We've already got Alaska, is it really that much of a stretch to just claim the land in between? This would obviously cause a bit of a stir within Canada, so as a consolation we would offer Quebec to France. I know, I'm a giver.

So we now have Canada and the US. Not a bad start, we can claim a more socialist tilt which will please Western Europe...but we'll still be seen as a rich imperialist nation. Hmmm..still some work to do. So what next....yes, what next indeed.

Mexico homey!

Despite Bubba Clintons fears, the giant sucking sound of jobs leaving the US from Nafta never really occurred. Certainly not to the scale it was supposed to have. Looking today at the auto industry, without Nafta the current troubles probably would have happened a decade ago. Mexicans are coming into the US in droves, faster than we can kick them out. On the flipside, US companies are building plants in Mexico as fast as the buildings are staffed up. It really is win win, our companies can compete on a global level and our neighbours to the south enjoy a better life. Lets just bite the bullet, tear down the fence and annex them. We know they won't fight much, do they even have an army? And who doesn't like a chimichunga every now and again. Hell, the tax revenue alone from all the US spring breakers in Cancun ought to cover any losses for at least a few decades.

So where does that leave us? Well, the US will become a more charitable, sociable nation (at least we'll look that way). How can Germany or Iran hate us then. Nobody hates Canadians! But we will need to do something about that name....how about the United Peoples of Mexamerida.


Blogger Traveling Bonbon said...

So I was driving into work listening to the radio and I thought you and your readers might find this one a bit interesting or even may have your own opinions...they announced that Germany is starting a new program which I would interpret as a "recycling of hookers". They are taking 30 hookers from the age of 18 to 40 to start a new pilot program where they will go through a 2 year prep course to transition them into nurses for the elderly. They noted the main reason to do this was to help these "ladies of the street" change their ways in life. They followed that up with reason number two and if you ask me they just weren't ballsy enough to make this their main reason and that they fronted with a life changing statement to ease into this one. Anyway, they noted that there are not enough elderly nurses out there these days and well simply since hookers are not afraid to touch anything no matter what it looks or feels like then why wouldn't they be the perfect candidate for this and well hey are they really wrong? I mean as we do get old there are some weird things that tend to appear on some peeps out there and well for some of these ladies...money is money no matter what you need to do to get it!?!? Anyway if it works more power to 'em, but I say I think I would want them to be thoroughly steralized and tested for the unknown before I would want any of them taking care of me!
So now I throw it out to you...got any thoughts, ideas, comments...???

5:10 AM  
Blogger Aventius said...

Slutty hooker nurses? Hasn't this the point of most porns? I love it. I'm moving to Germany when I retire.

12:23 AM  
Blogger Corrigan said...

I think this will cost allot...and have little benefit. Theres no way a girl can make more being a nurse then whorrin it up on the street. It's simple economics! The germans are just mad cause they miss out on all that tax revenue from the hookers.

3:06 PM  

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